Marked Poker Cards Detection Contact Lenses

About Marked Poker Cards Detection Contact Lenses

Marked poker cards are cards printed with invisible ink marks that can only be seen through special lenses or invisible glasses. They are used to cheat at card games such as poker. There are a few different types of marked cards on the market. Some of them are able to be read by regular contact lenses or sunglasses, but others require a special camera to see the markings. Detection contact lenses are one of the best methods for reading marked cards. These lenses are designed to be worn for long periods of time and they won’t cause any discomfort or change the color of your eyes.

If you’re looking for a marked cards detection system that doesn’t require any sleight of hand, check out the NU-CONCEPT Poker Predictor. This product is easy to use and it works with all types of cards. It’s also great for beginners because it does all of the work for you!

There are three kinds of top-degree KEM magic secret marked cards for sale: contact lenses marked cards, barcode marked cards and back-coated infrared marked cards. The only difference between these two types is that the contact lenses KEM marked cards can be read by poker cheating lenses or IR sunglasses, but the back-coated infrared marked decks can only be read by the poker scanner camera. Choosing the right marked cards for you will depend on your needs and budget.